أدوات الابتكار

الدروس المستفادة

The Lessons Learned Template provides an opportunity for reflection after a project has been completed. It is highly beneficial to record what worked well with the project and where improvements can be made.

خطة التحول

The Transition Out Plan is used to describe how project deliverables will be brought to full operational status, and integrated into ongoing operations and subsequently maintained. Its purpose is to ensure that these deliverables will be used effectively to produce the requisite Business Value after project completion.

استبيان استقصاء ما بعد المشروع

During the Project Closure / Maintenance phase of a project, the Project Management Office (PMO) conducts a survey to gather feedback on the project to improve performance on subsequent projects. This survey will assist the PMO in gathering project sponsors and team member's thoughts and perspectives on the project. This questionnaire is often used in conjunction with the Post Project Review in summarizing findings.

استعراض ما بعد المشروع

Upon completion of a project, good practice is to assess how you did on the project, in conjunction with a Lesson Learned Report. General question are asked of the stakeholders and to determine how well you performed against the project schedule and budget. This survey will assist the PMO in gathering project sponsors and team members' thoughts and perspectives on the project.

طلب التحكم في التعديل/التغيير

Used to review system / application modification requests to evaluate and approve technically sound and secure changes to the production environment and to limit potential impact to business capabilities and/or IT operational capacity, architecture, infrastructure, compliance and schedules.

معلومات خطة النقاهة بعد الكوارث

Documents a disaster recovery plan as part of an overall contingency plan to complete that restoration task and keep the company running. A disaster recovery plan is required for any publicly traded company and companies that need to minimize loss under which the company site is unable to function under standard daily business procedures.

شهادة الامتثال وقبول التسليم

This Certificate of Compliance is generally used to accept and validate project deliverables provided by outside contractors and developers in accordance with a task order or purchase order, but can be used in any situation where you wish to review the status of deliverables by internal organizations on a given project.

طلب تطبيق/تعزيز جديد

This document permits a business unit, other departments or auditors to initiate the process of requesting a new application or an enhancement to an existing application.

خطة تقاعد المنتج

Provides detailed instructions for retirement of a system or application, and describes how the hardware, software, data, and documentation associated with the application will be detached from production and archived or migrated.

ملخص دعم التطبيقات العالمية

The Global Application Support Summary provides a vehicle to record critical design, development, production support, Infrastructure, and security data on all applications The information recorded herein is used to update any IT applications defining your application environment.

تقرير نقل معرفة المطور

The Developer Knowledge Transfer Report provides a vehicle for conveying details about a system or application for production support developers.

اشترك في قائمة الريادة البريدية

لتصلك اخبار الصفقات واعمال الريادة وكافة الاخبار الاقتصادية محليا وعالميا