أدوات الابتكار

قائمة التحقق من جودة الوثائق

Provides the capability to perform a documentation quality assurance review prior to delivery and implementation.

سيناريوهات اختبار البناء

Testing scenarios are hypothetical stories used to assist an individual to think through a complex problem or system. Scenarios are useful for surfacing requirements-related controversies, and to relate to those documented requirements.

خطة الاختبار

This document provides a central artifact to govern the strategic approach of the test effort; it defines the general approach to be employed when testing the software and when evaluating the results of that testing. Planning documents will refer to the test strategy regarding the governing of detailed testing work.

قائمة التحقق من جودة النظام

Verifies that various project management, methodology, testing, configuration management, and documentation and records management principles and standards have been applied to a project.

ملخص اختبار الموقع الإلكتروني

Provides summary information and checklists for web quality assurance testing. Each checklist table provides questions or statements for which the tester responds with a Yes/No answer and respective comments where applicable. Completion of the checklists will help ensure the applications, functions, or features meet adequate quality assurance before being moved to production for end-user utilization.

خطة اختبار النظام

Documents all system requirements denoted in the requirements, specifications, and design documentation to plan and execute unit, system and integration tests that ensure a high level of compliance.

خطة اختبار قبول المستخدم (UAT)

Provides management an overview of the system, applications, functions and features that are to be tested in the UAT process. The plan and tests provide guidance to the management, staff and business owners that the application works as expected.

تقرير كشف الخلل

This report provides the ability to record details about an individual testing bug detected during unit, system, integration and user acceptance testing, including the bug name, area description, bug description, severity, status, priority, tester name, date tested, environment, test manager and tester names, method of testing, and who the bug was assigned to.

قائمة كشف الخلل

This list provides a status of all bugs detected during unit, system, integration and user acceptance testing, by defining the test case ID, bug name, bug description, severity, status, date tested, and type of testing method utilized.

خطة اختبار التدهور

Provides general information about systems or applications that require regression testing, including why testing is required, functional business areas affected and testing timeline.

وثيقة قبول المشروع

The document formalizes acceptance of the project, and describes the products and services the customer received.

اشترك في قائمة الريادة البريدية

لتصلك اخبار الصفقات واعمال الريادة وكافة الاخبار الاقتصادية محليا وعالميا